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Monday, December 6, 2010

Investment Strategies For Young People By Lam Ta

So we can basically start investing whenever we want. We can also invest when we are kids, if our parents give us some type of income we can tell them to put it into a savings account for us that earns interest. But when we're kids, we actually don't know about that and our parents just puts the money in there for us anyway. It's actually good that they do that, because when we get to a certain age we'll have a nice savings portfolio. By the time you hit young adult, at least you have savings and you can start to use that to invest in other things.

So let's have a look at how we can start to save money for investing. First we will look at the income earners. Lets say that you earned 500 bucks a week, and after all expenses you had 100 dollars left. If you saved that 100 dollars every week, you would have $5200 at the end of 12 months. Now imagine you were 18 yrs old, and you kept saving for 2 yrs, you would have $10400 in your bank account by the end of 24 months. In fact you would probably have a bit more if you put it into an interest savings account. So what could you do with that money? Most people would go wow and spend it on items that really has no value or items that would lose value like cars, bike, clothes etc. So the smartest way is to actually keep on saving and using your savings to invest. What could you do with 10 grand? Well you can put the money into the stock market, and yield some nice returns every year, but only do this if you are educated, because if your not you could potentially lose every dime that you have saved. Don't be scared but, because if you put in the time to learn you could also make a stuff load of money. So first, get that education and then start investing.

So how else can we use that money to make more money. Well you can buy a property, but usually when you and buy property they make you put a deposit on and if you don't have enough you won't be able to buy the house, unless you can negotiate the deal. But also you must get the bank to approve the loan mortgage that you are going to get out for the house, so even if you do have enough for the deposit of the house, you won't be able to get the house if you can't get the loan. But assuming you did have enough for the deposit, and you did get approved for the loan, you are in a good position to make some nice money with your investment. So you make your money on capital gain of the house, so make sure if you do look for a property but one that has huge potential of capital gain.

So I hope these are good investment strategies for young people, otherwise don't invest and you'll be broke forever.

If you found useful information here, I have plenty more on my website that you can have a look at. Just pop over there and check it out. and also there is a free gifts page where you can get your hands on free ebooks and DVDs where you can start investing now, so check that out.



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